The Inheritors

Bell Beaker Children’s Tombs in Iberia and Their Social Context (2500–2000 Cal BC)


  • A. M. Herrero-Corral Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • R. Garrido-Pena Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • R. Flores Fernández Independent Scholar



Bell Beakers, grave goods, Iberia, non-adult individuals, social status


For the most part, children have been overlooked in the archaeological literature. However, in recent decades, numerous studies have pointed out the relevance of this social group and the necessity of including children in any attempt to reconstruct past societies. This study reports on an investigation of the main Bell Beaker child burial sites on the Iberian Peninsula and in a wider European perspective. It includes recent important discoveries in central Iberia, some of which are published here for the first time. Burial treatment of various age categories is examined to determine when individuals reach adulthood, regardless of their biological age, and when they may be considered full members of the social group. We have also noted special miniature versions of adult grave goods that were specifically made for children’s graves; it is also possible that some objects had been made by children working as apprentices. These are crucial issues for analysing the social contexts of Bell Beakers, including for understanding the key problem of inherited status in Iberia during the second half of the third millennium cal bc, which was a period of significant social changes.

Author Biographies

  • A. M. Herrero-Corral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Ana Mercedes Herrero-Corral is an FPU predoctoral fellow in the Department of Prehistory of the Complutense University in Madrid. She is currently finishing her PhD in Physical Anthropology and Prehistory. Her research is mainly focused on non-adult individuals in funerary contexts of the recent prehistory in Central Iberia.

  • R. Garrido-Pena, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Rafael Garrido-Pena is Associate Professor in the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the Autónoma University in Madrid. His research focuses on the archaeology of Neolithic and Bell Beaker societies in Iberia, the study of social hierarchization and the role of commensality rituals and burial ceremonies in those processes.

  • R. Flores Fernández, Independent Scholar

    Raúl Flores Fernández is a professional archaeologist working in commercial archaeology for the past 25 years. He directs the excavation of the Humanejos site in Parla (Madrid).


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How to Cite

Herrero-Corral, A. M., Garrido-Pena, R., & Flores Fernández, R. (2019). The Inheritors: Bell Beaker Children’s Tombs in Iberia and Their Social Context (2500–2000 Cal BC). Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 32(1), 63-87.

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