Reading landscapes and writing nature

Reimagining multimodal place-based teacher workshops in a global pandemic


  • Rich Novack Fairfield Warde High School Author



National Parks, professional development, place-based learning, critical literacies


This reflective article discusses lessons learned when Reading Landscapes & Writing Nature, an annual collaboration between a National Writing Project site and Weir Farm National Historical Park, migrated online in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The organizations have used critical pedagogies of place (Gruenewald, 2003) since 2017 to guide teacher writing workshops, and reimagined the professional development in digital spaces with multimodal literacies (Kinloch, 2009; Kress, 2003). This including 360 photospheres and Padlet as tools to expand educators’ understandings of literacy, wellness, and place.

Author Biography

  • Rich Novack, Fairfield Warde High School

    Rich Novack teaches high school English at Fairfield Warde High School and is in his nineteenth year. Since 2022, he also teaches at Fairfield University as an Adjunct Professor in the English Department. He continues to collaborate with the National Writing Project and the National Parks Services on place-based workshops. Novack received funding for the teacher workshop described from a National Writing Project / National Park Service Grant.


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Caring for a Network of Teacher-Writers in a Time of Covid: Part 2

How to Cite

Novack, R. (2023). Reading landscapes and writing nature: Reimagining multimodal place-based teacher workshops in a global pandemic. Writing and Pedagogy, 15(1-2), 157-167.