Early Bronze I and the Evolution of Social Complexity in the Southern Levant


  • Alexander H. Joffe University of Arizona




Social evolution in the Early Bronze Age I


The Early Bronze I period (c. 3500-3100 BC) has long been recognized as the critical transition from the village-level society of the Chalcolithic to the 'urban' society of the Early Bronze Age II in the Southern Levant. Most models, however, have tended to stress exogenous influences and/or catastrophic explanations for this period and have failed to provide a clearly stated theoretical perspective. This paper presents a model of indigenous development from the Chalcolithic through the Early Bronze Age I, with the important exceptions of stressing the problematic presence of Egyptian 'colonies' in the Southern Levant and the lack of substantial contacts with the Syro-Mesopotanian world to the north. The theoretical context of this paper seeks to understand the collapse and rise of small-scale social formations that exist in juxtaposition to large ones, and to view the Early Bronze I period in terms of the overall trajectory of social evolution in the Southern Levant. This trajectory differs profoundly in terms of scale and international relations, from other societies in ancient western Asia, and is brought into sharper focus by an examination of its origins in the Early Bronze Age I.

Author Biography

  • Alexander H. Joffe, University of Arizona
    Alexander H. Joffe received a BA in History from Cornell University in 1981, and an MA in Near Eastern Archaeology from the University of Arizona in 1987. He is currently completing a PhD dissertation at the University of Arizona, entitled 'Settlement and Society in Early Bronze Age I and II Canaan'. He has participated in archaeological fieldwork in Israel, Jordan, Greece and the United States. His research interests include the development and comparative study of complex societies, arid zone archaeology, and the integration of insights from other disciplines into archaeology.






How to Cite

Joffe, A. H. (1991). Early Bronze I and the Evolution of Social Complexity in the Southern Levant. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 4(1), 3-58. https://doi.org/10.1558/jmea.v4i1.3