Roman Bricks off the Wall

New Data for Understanding Production Centres and Distribution of Building Materials in the Ager Rusellanus (Tuscany, Italy)


  • Veronica Testolini University of Sheffield
  • Alessandro Sebastiani University at Buffalo
  • Elena Chirico Independent Scholar



coastal settlements, ceramic petrography, provenance studies, Roman building materials, stamped bricks, Tuscany


Roman stamped bricks are considered one of the best indicators of the provenance of Roman building materials, contractors and owners, due to the names included in the stamps. They are also a good proxy for understanding part of the supply chain directed towards Rome and the city’s peripheral territories; however, hypotheses based on stamps are nevertheless often insufficient for pinpointing production centers, which limits the extent to which the movement of these materials and their makers can be reconstructed. This paper analyses some well-preserved brick assemblages from the Ager Rusellanus in southern Tuscany and reviews previous provenance hypotheses based on the stamps. The results from ceramic petrography and a systematic review of published analyses highlight how combining contextual information with a well-structured, analytical approach is fundamental for understanding the movement of goods, the nature of the workforce and even the relationship between state-commissioned building works and its agents.

Author Biographies

  • Veronica Testolini, University of Sheffield

    Veronica Testolini an Honorary Fellow at the University of Sheffield, from where she received her Phd. She specializes in the analysis of archaeological materials, and in 2022 she developed her project RecRAAFT (Reconstructing Recipes from Ancient Artifacts to developed Future Technologies) with the University of Rome, La Sapienza. She is currently working with the University of Graz on a large analytical project in Pheneos (Greece).  

  • Alessandro Sebastiani, University at Buffalo

    Alessandro Sebastiani is Associate Professor in Roman Archaeology at the Department of Classics of the University at Buffalo. He directs the IMPERO Project in Italy and has co-directed the Alberese Archaeological Project with Elena Chirico and Matteo Colombini. 

  • Elena Chirico, Independent Scholar

    Elena Chirico holds a PhD from the University of Siena, and her research focuses on the Roman Imperial estates in Etruria, with particular attention to Tuscany. She now teaches classics in secondary schools in Grosseto (Tuscany).


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How to Cite

Testolini, V., Sebastiani, A., & Chirico, E. (2024). Roman Bricks off the Wall: New Data for Understanding Production Centres and Distribution of Building Materials in the Ager Rusellanus (Tuscany, Italy). Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 36(2), 202-225.