Industry and Inheritance at Hellenistic Morgantina

A New Assemblage of Loom Weights from the House of the Two Mills


  • Kevin Ennis Stanford University
  • Max T. B. Peers Brown University



heirlooms, Hellenistic Sicily, loom weights, Morgantina, textile production


Recent excavations of a modestly appointed house at the site of Morgantina in east-central Sicily recovered 175 loom weights or fragments thereof. In this study, we combine a detailed contextual analysis with new methodologies developed by the Center for Textile Research in Copenhagen in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of textile production in this house, the House of the Two Mills. Using these methods, we are able to identify the specific weights within the larger assemblage that most probably formed a single set, used together for weaving at this location. Moreover, the results of this analysis indicate that the loom weights that constituted this set would not have been produced and acquired all at once, but must have been accumulated by the household slowly over time. We propose that the most probable mechanism by which this slow process of accumulation played out would have been through household members passing down these textile tools as heirlooms across generations. We argue that in the process these weights would have been viewed by their users as having a value beyond their mere utilitarian function, instead becoming materializations of memory and the affective bonds formed in the intergenerational transfer of craft traditions. We conclude by considering the implications of this argument for the study of heirloom objects in archaeology and how a contextual understanding of broader Greek social institutions and practices can aid us in parsing peculiarities of the archaeological record.

Author Biographies

  • Kevin Ennis, Stanford University

    Kevin Ennis is a doctoral candidate in Classics at Stanford University. He has conducted fieldwork on the islands of Sicily and Crete and is currently writing his dissertation on the development of the household textile industry in Sicily from the Bronze Age to the Late Hellenistic period, focusing primarily on archaeological evidence from Morgantina.

  • Max T. B. Peers, Brown University

    Max Peers is a doctoral candidate at the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University and is writing his dissertation on the role of architecture and urban development in the formation and maintenance of community in the Roman cities of Sicily, Sardinia and Tunisia. He has engaged in fieldwork throughout Italy as well as in Greece, Israel and Jordan.


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How to Cite

Ennis, K., & Peers, M. T. B. (2023). Industry and Inheritance at Hellenistic Morgantina: A New Assemblage of Loom Weights from the House of the Two Mills. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 35(2), 198-225.