Mediterranean Bioarchaeology, Meta-Analysis and Migration

Towards Accurate Meta-Analyses in Mediterranean Bioarchaeology: A Critical Response to Leppard et al. (JMA 33, 2020)


  • Megan A Perry East Carolina University
  • Kristina Killgrove University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
  • Lesley A Gregoricka University of South Alabama
  • Tracy L Prowse McMaster University



Mediterranean Bioarchaeology, Meta-Analysis, Migration, Mediterranean, Bioarchaeology, Accurate Meta-Analyses



Author Biographies

  • Megan A Perry, East Carolina University

    Megan Perry is a bioarchaeologist and Professor of Anthropology at East Carolina University whose research focuses on paleopathology and biogeochemistry of communities in first-century bc to seventh-century ad Jordan. She currently directs the Petra North Ridge Project in Jordan.

  • Kristina Killgrove, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

    Kristina Killgrove is a bioarchaeologist whose research focuses on understanding the lives of non-elites in Italy during the Imperial period. Her latest projects are a DNA analysis of human remains from Gabii and a full osteological report of the individuals who died at Oplontis in ad 79.

  • Lesley A Gregoricka, University of South Alabama

    Lesley Gregoricka is a bioarchaeologist and Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of South Alabama. Her research focuses on prehistoric mortuary practices and the bio-geochemistry of ancient human skeletal remains to examine changing patterns of mobility and social complexity across Arabia and the Levant.

  • Tracy L Prowse, McMaster University

    Tracy Prowse is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at McMaster University. She is the director of excavations at the Roman site of Vagnari, southern Italy. She has published on diet, mobility and health in Roman Italy through the use of stable isotopes and paleopathological analyses.


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Discussion and Debate

How to Cite

Perry, M. A., Killgrove, K., Gregoricka, L. A., & Prowse, T. L. (2022). Mediterranean Bioarchaeology, Meta-Analysis and Migration: Towards Accurate Meta-Analyses in Mediterranean Bioarchaeology: A Critical Response to Leppard et al. (JMA 33, 2020). Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 35(1), 108-132.