Blowin’ in the Wind

Settlement, Landscape and Network Dynamics in the Prehistory of the Aeolian Islands


  • Maria Clara Martinelli Museo Luigi Bernabò Brea
  • Helen Dawson Università di Bologna
  • Pietro Lo Cascio Associazone Nesos
  • Sara Tiziana Levi City University of New York
  • Girolamo Fiorentino Università del Salento



Aeolian Islands, connectivity, insularity, islandscape, island effect, Lipari, network


This study provides a critical and interdisciplinary review of the archaeological record of the Aeolian Islands (Italy), from their earliest settlement in the mid-sixth millennium BC (Middle Neolithic) to the establishment of trans-Mediterranean networks at the end of the second millennium BC (Final Bronze Age). We combine archaeological, archaeometric, bioarchaeological and environmental data to explore the interplay between different prehistoric practices and their spatial settings, revisiting old evidence and presenting new data. The resulting picture reveals different levels of interaction and the critical role of these small island communities in establishing and/or facilitating networks at the local and (inter)regional scale. Ceramic networks allow us to trace connections between the islands and their neighbours, underscoring the centrality of the island of Lipari, which is further supported by the spatial analysis of the settlement data, in particular concerning the growing web of intervisibility between contemporary settlements on the Aeolian Islands, Sicily and Calabria. We also highlight significant environmental factors, such as arid phases and volcanic events, and assess their impact in light of the islanders’ responses, underscoring their long-term adaptability to the challenges of insularity. The study is supported by a new and up-to-date database of 50 prehistoric sites, incorporating unpublished results of ongoing archaeological investigations by the authors.

Author Biographies

  • Maria Clara Martinelli, Museo Luigi Bernabò Brea

    Maria Clara Martinelli is Archaeological Executive Officer at the Luigi Bernabò Brea Archaeological Museum in Lipari and director of the excavations at the Bronze Age settlements of Portella on Salina and Filo Braccio on Filicudi. Her research and publications focus on advancing knowledge of the prehistory of the Aeolian Islands and have been recently summarised in the book Isole vicine. L’arcipelago delle isole Eolie e le comunità umane nella preistoria mediterranea (Edizioni di Storia e Studi sociali, Ragusa, 2020).

  • Helen Dawson, Università di Bologna

    Helen Dawson is Adjunct Professor at the Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna and Affiliate Research Fellow at the Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie, Freie Universität Berlin. She is the author of Mediterranean Voyages. The Archaeology of Island Colonisation and Abandonment (Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, 2014). Her research explores networks in Mediterranean prehistory and the recursive relations shaping social practices and space, with a focus on Sicily and its smaller islands.

  • Pietro Lo Cascio, Associazone Nesos

    Pietro Lo Cascio is a naturalist and conservation biologist whose research focuses mainly on islands and insular ecosystems. He is scientific coordinator of Nesos, a non-profit association that works in disseminating island knowledge, and vice-president of the Sicilian Society of Natural Sciences.

  • Sara Tiziana Levi, City University of New York

    Sara Tiziana Levi is Associate Professor in Archaeology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) and at Hunter College (New York); she is qualified Full Professor by the Italian National Scientific Habilitation Board. Her research focuses on the Mediterranean, combining humanistic and scientific methodologies. She directs the international investigation and excavation at Stromboli.

  • Girolamo Fiorentino, Università del Salento

    Girolamo Fiorentino is Associate Professor in Advanced Methodology in Archaeological Research at the University of Salento, Lecce (Italy). His research, spanning more than 20 years, focuses on the relationship between humans and plants in the past from an archaeological and paleoenvironmental perspective, with a particular emphasis on the Mediterranean Basin.


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How to Cite

Martinelli, M. C., Dawson, H., Cascio, P. L., Levi, S. T., & Fiorentino, G. (2021). Blowin’ in the Wind: Settlement, Landscape and Network Dynamics in the Prehistory of the Aeolian Islands. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 34(1), 28-57.