Deconstructing men’s rights activism

A discourse analysis of D.A.R.V.O. in MRA discourse on rape culture


  • Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo University of Naples L’Orientale



D.A.R.V.O, discourse analysis, manosphere, men's rights activists, rape culture


This work examines the attitudes of men’s rights activists (MRAs) towards Rape Culture (RC), a term describing a social environment in which sexual misconduct is trivialised, normalised, and justified. By performing a discourse and thematic analysis of a corpus of threads from MRA forums, the study aims to determine whether their representation of RC amounts to a form of collective D.A.R.V.O., a tactic used to delegitimise a phenomenon by denying its existence, attacking its advocates, and reversing the roles of victims and perpetrators. The analysis reveals that MRAs’ representation of RC arises from a reductionist definition of the term, which limits its interpretation to actual rapes and denies it as a socio-culturally ingrained phenomenon. This narrow definition hinders progress in addressing all forms of gender-based violence, harming men and women alike. The study concludes that a broader understanding of RC is necessary to combat its effects and improve gender relations.

Author Biography

  • Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo, University of Naples L’Orientale

    Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo is a research fellow and lecturer in English language and linguistics at the University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’ (Italy). Her research interests cover institutional discourse, gender studies and science popularisation, with a particular emphasis on discrimination, violence and misinformation.


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How to Cite

Scotto di Carlo, G. (2024). Deconstructing men’s rights activism: A discourse analysis of D.A.R.V.O. in MRA discourse on rape culture. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 8(1), 74-99.