‘So, it’s not necessarily about exclusion’

Category use in naturally occurring transphobic talk


  • Elle Felicity Henderson Open Polytechnic, Te Pūkenga




Transphobia, Conversation analysis, Interview, Gender, Membership categorisation analysis, Discrimination, Social Interaction


Trans-exclusionary radical feminists challenge transgender people (specifically women) from within a claimed feminist struggle. They exclude transgender women and instead claim they are men colonising women’s spaces. I present a conversation analytic and analytical membership categorisation case study of a national radio interview in which the spokesperson for a trans-exclusionary feminist political group debates with the host on the nature of trans women and their exclusion from women’s spaces. I show how the interviewee accomplishes trans exclusion in talk,, often without making explicit claims about trans women, by constructing both biologically essentialist and experiential distinctions between trans and cis women, constructing trans women as participants in patriarchal oppression, and by problematising a claimed redefinition of the category woman being enacted by trans women. This analysis highlights how transphobic (and specifically transmisogynistic) attitudes are accomplished in social interaction through sequential action and categorial inferences.

Author Biography

  • Elle Felicity Henderson, Open Polytechnic, Te Pūkenga

    Elle Felicity Henderson is a discursive psychologist at the Open Polytechnic (a subsidiary of Te Pūkenga) in New Zealand. Her research draws on conversation analysis and ethnomethodology to explore the moment-to-moment production of the social world. Elle’s research interests involve what is accomplished, and how, in naturally occurring interactions between, or about, transgender and neurodivergent people. Specifically, she is interested in instances of marginalisation of these groups and their members, and how people resist or challenge that marginalisation.


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How to Cite

Henderson, E. F. (2022). ‘So, it’s not necessarily about exclusion’: Category use in naturally occurring transphobic talk. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 6(2), 213–240. https://doi.org/10.1558/jld.21376