Ethics, moral practices and age-related social issues in late 18th-century medical discourse

A lexicological and textual approach


  • Elisabetta Lonati University of Eastern Piedmont



medical ethics, moral practices, medical discourse, 18th-century medical writing, Scottish Enlightenment


The second half of the eighteenth-century is particularly interesting for the study of medicine, and medical practice. The professional role of physicians, their social function, and their moral duties necessarily became a key issue for the period under scrutiny, and for decades to come. Medical ethics and moral practices, as well as philanthropic attitudes, constituted a relevant topic in medical writing: John Gregory (1724–73; Edinburgh University) and Thomas Percival (1740–1804; Manchester Infirmary) were the pioneers of medical ethics ‘in the making’.

The aim of this study is to investigate the lexis of medical ethics and moral practices and its impact at textual and discourse levels. In other words, how the lexicalisation of values and principles shapes and frames the discourse on medical ethics, and on the social identity of target people-patients of all ages (old, young, middle-aged), as well as potentially age-related discriminatory practices between the 1770s and 1800s.

Author Biography

  • Elisabetta Lonati, University of Eastern Piedmont

    Elisabetta Lonati (MA, PhD) is Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Eastern Piedmont (Vercelli, Italy) where she teaches English Linguistics for the BA (Foreign Languages) and the MA (Languages, Cultures, and Tourism). Her research interests are focused on Early and Late Modern English lexicology and lexicography, and include the origin, elaboration and classification of English technical and scientific vocabulary in 18th-century encyclopaedic works (universal dictionaries of arts and sciences, medical dictionaries); the language of identity and ideology (dictionaries of trade and commerce); the language of law, crime and punishment (focus on ethics, pain, penalty). Her present studies are devoted to the investigation of medical writing, and to the elaboration of British medical discourse in a variety of texts. Further studies include: 18th-century medical paratext (prefaces, introductory sections, tables of contents, and indices, appendices, glossaries); the language of medical ethics; Late Modern English translation and dissemination of British medical works into Italian (DTS and cultural translation; second hand translation). She has recently published a book titled Communicating Medicine. British Medical Discourse in 18th-century Reference Works (Di/Segni, Ledizioni, Milano 2017).


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How to Cite

Lonati, E. (2022). Ethics, moral practices and age-related social issues in late 18th-century medical discourse: A lexicological and textual approach. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 6(1), 5–36.