Standard language ideology in an English-medium Irish secondary school

Conflicting perspectives on the discouragement of nonstandard language


  • Stephen Lucek University College Dublin



Teenagers, language ideologies, standard language ideology, raciolinguistics


The current paper aims to address how one English-medium school functions from the different perspectives within the school: the principal, student/teacher classroom interaction and the students. This approach allows us to see the power differential of the different stakeholders in a school and how iconisation, fractal recursivity, and erasure affect teenagers in Dublin. This paper presents interview data with a principal and the students in a secondary school. Taking a qualitative approach to these data, I show that standard language ideology is linked with economic disadvantage. The school principal’s approach to identifying, problematising and seeking to eliminate certain types of nonstandard language in the school reflects a standard language ideology and is consistent with a raciolinguistic approach to linguistic discrimination. The data suggest that the students themselves take a more nuanced approach.

Author Biography

  • Stephen Lucek, University College Dublin

    Stephen Lucek is currently Research Associate in the University College Dublin School of Education and is an adjunct lecturer in the Centre for Linguistics and Communication Studies at Trinity College Dublin. He has previously worked in the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics at University College Dublin, where this research was carried out. His research interests lie at the intersection of language and cognition, including language attitudes and ideologies, cognitive sociolinguistics and perceptual dialectology.


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How to Cite

Lucek, S. . (2021). Standard language ideology in an English-medium Irish secondary school: Conflicting perspectives on the discouragement of nonstandard language. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 5(2), 199–225.