Dedication, Termination and Balché

Ritual Drinks in an Ulúa Marble Vase from the Ancient Maya City of Pacbitun, Belize


  • Adam King University of South Carolina
  • Sheldon Skaggs City University of New York
  • Terry G. Powis Kennesaw State University
  • Christina M. Luke Koc University
  • George J. Micheletti University of Central Florida
  • Kong F. Cheong American University
  • Nilesh W. Gaikwad Gaikwad Steroidnomics Laboratory LLC



Ancient Maya, Belize, Pacbitun, Ulúa vase, Absorbed Residues, balché


The material plays a fundamental and active role in the social lives of people, from objects like containers or buildings to food and other consumables. In this paper, evidence from absorbed residues are used to explore the contents of an Ulúa-style marble vase found in a royal courtyard at the ancient Maya site of Pacbitun in west-central Belize. Those results indicate that the vase once held concoctions containing cacao, willow and possibly vanilla. Significantly, the results also confirm residues of the important Maya ritual drink balché, in an ancient container. By placing the vase and its contents in the history of Pacbitun, we demonstrate the important role of this object and its contents in dedicatory rituals practiced in this region; we argue that subsequent disturbance of the context and the vase in antiquity points to the fragmentation of kingship.

Author Biographies

  • Adam King, University of South Carolina

    South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, SC, USA

  • Sheldon Skaggs, City University of New York

    Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Bronx Community College, City University of New York, NY, USA

  • Terry G. Powis, Kennesaw State University

    Department of Geography and Anthropology, Kennesaw State University, GA, USA

  • Christina M. Luke, Koc University

    Department of Archaeology and Art History, Koc University, Turkey

  • George J. Micheletti, University of Central Florida

    Department of Anthropology, University of Central Florida, FL, USA

  • Kong F. Cheong, American University

    Department of Anthropology, American University, Washington DC, USA

  • Nilesh W. Gaikwad, Gaikwad Steroidnomics Laboratory LLC

    Gaikwad Steroidnomics Laboratory LLC, Davis, CA, USA


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How to Cite

King, A. ., Skaggs, S. ., Powis, T. G. ., Luke, C. M., Micheletti, G. J. ., Cheong, K. F. ., & Gaikwad, N. W. . (2022). Dedication, Termination and Balché: Ritual Drinks in an Ulúa Marble Vase from the Ancient Maya City of Pacbitun, Belize. Archaeology of Food and Foodways, 1(1), 34–53.