Reviewer feedback on multilingual scholars’ writing for English Publication

Perspectives from the ‘Periphery’


  • John Lindsay Adamson University of Niigata Prefecture Author
  • Theron Muller University of Toyama Author



Publishing, multilingual scholars


Studies into multilingual, ‘periphery’ scholars’ experiences of English publication for academic purposes suggest that they face a number of obstacles in seeking publication in EFL and applied linguistics language journals (Belcher, 2007; Canagarajah, 1996). Some journals located outside of the Anglophone center have sought to adapt their review processes to be more accommodating toward these generally less experienced, potentially ‘off-networked’ (Swales, 1996: 45) scholars (Nunn and Adamson, 2007; Adamson and Muller, 2012). Yet the literature to date tends to approach this topic from one of two perspectives; exploring the editorial, journal review process from the perspective of editors (Adamson, 2012; Belcher, 2007) or author-focused explorations of writing for academic publication practice (Lillis and Curry, 2010; Okamura, 2006). This paper seeks to bridge this gap by outlining the efforts of one Asian-based journal, Asian EFL Journal, to raise awareness among reviewers and editors of the needs of multilingual scholars and data from an investigation into Japan-based authors’ practices of writing for academic publication. How our findings can inform journal policy and implications for reviewing practice more broadly in light of reviewer and author experiences is considered.

Author Biographies

  • John Lindsay Adamson, University of Niigata Prefecture

    John Adamson is Professor at UNP in the International Studies and regional development department. research interests include English for research Publication Purposes, EAP and cLIL.

  • Theron Muller, University of Toyama

    Theron muller is an Associate Professor in the English department at the University of toyama Sugitani campus. research interests include academic literacies, writing for publication, and more broadly second language acquisition.





Reflections on Practice

How to Cite

Adamson, J. L., & Muller, T. (2017). Reviewer feedback on multilingual scholars’ writing for English Publication: Perspectives from the ‘Periphery’. Writing and Pedagogy, 8(3), 521-538.