L1-L2 translation versus L2 writing tasks

An empirical study on non-language major students’ improvement in writing proficiency


  • Siowai Lo University of Leicester Macao Polytechnic Institute Author




Translation from L1 into L2, L2 writing, L2 classrooms, lexical improvement, grammatical improvement, judicious use of translation, parallel texts, writing instruction


With growing interest in the relationship between translation and language learning, a number of studies have begun to examine the pedagogical value of translation and explore the best ways to utilize it in L2 classrooms. Some may doubt the need to include translation in L2 classrooms when language pedagogy is a far more wellestablished discipline. An answer to this concern requires empirical research on the role of translation in the L2 classroom. To this end, this study compares how L2 learners react to particular translation tasks and writing tasks. The findings suggest that translation tasks can yield better results than direct L2 writing tasks in encouraging and facilitating students to improve their lexis and grammar. The results also suggest that both translation and writing tasks have greater potential to prompt lexical than grammatical improvement. These findings offer new insights into alternative writing instruction and contribute to an increasing body of research on the pedagogical value of translation in L2 classrooms.

Author Biography

  • Siowai Lo, University of Leicester Macao Polytechnic Institute

    Siowai Lo is currently a Lecturer at Macao Polytechnic Institute. She was accredited as a Professional Translator in the English and Chinese Language by NAATI in 2009. She holds a PhD in Translation Studies from the University of Leicester and an MA in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation from the University of Queensland. Her research interests lie primarily in pedagogical translation, translation pedagogy and language teaching.





Research Matters

How to Cite

Lo, S. (2017). L1-L2 translation versus L2 writing tasks: An empirical study on non-language major students’ improvement in writing proficiency. Writing and Pedagogy, 8(3), 483-520. https://doi.org/10.1558/wap.28241