Tutoring one’s way to L2 writing teacher cognition


  • Hae Sung Yang Georgia State University Author
  • Diane Belcher Georgia State University Author




Teacher Cognition, Writing Teacher Education, L2 Writing Teachers, Tutoring, Experiential Learning


In view of the limited research attention so far given to the developing cognition of novice L2 writing teachers, this qualitative study examines the extent to which L2 writing teacher cognition can be enhanced by the experience of tutoring. By adopting the theory of experiential learning, the study considered the role that the experience of tutoring could play in the development of novice L2 writing teachers’ conceptualizations of learners’ needs and their view of themselves as developing L2 writing teachers. The results of this study point to the participants as having all made realizations that served as catalysts for continued growth after the original tutoring
experiences. These findings indicate that the practice of tutoring changed their perceptions of teaching L2 writing by seeing clearly the benefits of dialogic interaction with L2 writers and also learning the value of holistically viewing the writer.


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How to Cite

Yang, H. S., & Belcher, D. (2022). Tutoring one’s way to L2 writing teacher cognition. Writing and Pedagogy, 14(1), 23–47. https://doi.org/10.1558/wap.22028