Teachers’ talk about young students’ writing of narrative and informational texts


  • Caroline Liberg Uppsala University Author
  • Jenny Wiksten Folkeryd Uppsala University Author
  • Åsa af Geijerstam Uppsala University Author
  • Anna Nordlund Uppsala University Author




metalanguage, primary school teachers, young students' texts, narratives, informational texts, assessment


Previous research has shown that teachers’ knowledge of a functional metalanguage plays a central role in supporting students’ writing development. However, only a few of these studies have focused on primary school teachers and their use of metalanguage in various text types. The aim of this study was to investigate how primary school teachers talk about young students’ (ages 7–9) narrative and informational texts before and after taking part in professional development workshops presenting different language resources and accompanying metalanguage. These resources represent a broader view of language than the more formal tradition offered to primary school teachers in Sweden.

The results showed that after participating in the workshops, the teachers had broadened their repertoires concerning what aspects they talk about and how they talk about them; that is, their talks became more text-specific and extensive, and they used a formal metalanguage to a greater extent. These results are discussed in relation to the tradition of writing instruction used in primary grades in Sweden and the teachers’ pathways to broadening their repertoire of metalanguage. Also discussed is the potential a broader language view in early grades may have in supporting students’ writing development throughout their school years.


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Teachers’ Views on Students’ Writing

How to Cite

Liberg, C., Wiksten Folkeryd, J., af Geijerstam, Åsa, & Nordlund, A. (2022). Teachers’ talk about young students’ writing of narrative and informational texts. Writing and Pedagogy, 13(1-3), 181–206. https://doi.org/10.1558/wap.21544