Teachers’ talk about giving feedback to young text writers, and about giving feedback on handwritten and typed texts


  • Vibeke Rønneberg University of Stavanger Author
  • Camilla Nilsen University of Stavanger Author




feedback, beginning writers, writing medium


There is little research on teachers’ thoughts about giving feedback to young text writers. This study aims to contribute more knowledge about this by interviewing four primary school teachers about their thoughts about giving feedback on texts written by young writers. A second aim for this study is to contribute more knowledge about how writing medium might affect what potential teachers see for giving feedback on different aspects of a text. Finally, the study investigates which discourses of writing become visible when teachers talk about giving feedback on texts written by young writers.

Findings indicate that overall teachers report that they give oral feedback to beginning writers, and they say it is important to have a positive focus. When teachers talk about what feedback they would have given examples of student texts, they have a tendency to focus on local aspects of the text. Interestingly, even in digital texts where some local aspects are occluded, there is a focus on local level. A review of the answers given by the teachers in this study indicates that most responses represent a skill discourse.


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Teachers’ Views on Students’ Writing

How to Cite

Rønneberg, V., & Nilsen, C. (2022). Teachers’ talk about giving feedback to young text writers, and about giving feedback on handwritten and typed texts. Writing and Pedagogy, 13(1-3), 207–226. https://doi.org/10.1558/wap.21501