Writing practices of university students in an online academic English course in Uzbekistan


  • Diana Akhmedjanova Khalifa University Author




academic English, mutlilingual writing, self-regulated writing, socially-regulated writing, ESL, EFL


This reflection focuses on teaching writing online for the first-year students in the Academic English course at the Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT), Uzbekistan. Academic English is a core course for all incoming first-year students and aims to develop students’ proficiency in listening, reading, and writing skills. A great emphasis is placed on the development of writing skills, and students are required to write at least four summaries, two essays, and one reflection during the twelve weeks of the first semester. A new challenging component in the autumn 2020 semester was teaching writing online, due to the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The classroom writing processes were examined through the lens of the Self- and Socially-Regulated Multilingual Writing model (Akhmedjanova, 2020), which revealed prevalence of socially-regulated rather than self-regulated writing practices. Also, teachers instructed students to use revision strategies more than planning and formulating writing strategies. A cursory examination of students’ reflections suggested that many students struggled with the environment and time management skills. Future revisions to the Academic English course should include explicit teaching of planning and formulating writing strategies along with planning and time management skills.


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Reflections on Practice

How to Cite

Akhmedjanova, D. (2022). Writing practices of university students in an online academic English course in Uzbekistan. Writing and Pedagogy, 14(1), 129–150. https://doi.org/10.1558/wap.20895