Exemplar-based genre instruction

The case of medical professional writing


  • Afnan Farooqui Umm Al Qura University Author
  • Suhad Sonbul Umm Al Qura University Author
  • Sahar Al Zahrani Umm Al Qura University Author
  • Zainab Gaffas Umm Al Qura University Author




Exemplar-Based Genre Instruction, Patient Report, Medical Learners, Genre Awareness, Lexico-Grammatical Features


Medical students who are learning English as a foreign language (EFL) need to master the ability to write professional reports. Several studies have focused on professional writing in the context of English as a second language (ESL) with advanced learners, but lower-intermediate EFL learners have yet to be examined. This study aimed to implement an exemplar-based genre instruction programme to examine its effectiveness in terms of improving Saudi EFL learners’ ability to write patient reports. The study consisted of two phases: analysis of the moves/steps of patient reports and exemplar-based genre instruction. First, the moves/steps in 30 authentic patient reports were analysed to build the framework which was then compared to another framework based on the work of Bench et al. (2014). Second, an exemplar-based genre instruction programme was implemented over six weeks with 36 EFL Saudi medical learners, and the outcomes were evaluated. The findings revealed that increased genre awareness improved the quality of learners’ writing, particularly their grammar and vocabulary. Teachers of English for specific purposes (ESP) may need to focus on increasing learners’ awareness of the medical-report genre’s lexico-grammatical features in addition to its moves.


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How to Cite

Farooqui, A., Sonbul, S., Al Zahrani, S., & Gaffas, Z. (2022). Exemplar-based genre instruction: The case of medical professional writing. Writing and Pedagogy, 14(1), 73-102. https://doi.org/10.1558/wap.20649