Poets and translators share the classroom

Achieving educational goals through poetry writing and translation


  • Bruno Echauri Galván Universidad de Alcalá Author
  • Silvia García Hernández Universidad de Alcalá Author




Poetry, Creative Writing, Literary Translation, Innovation, Group Work


This paper shows the development of an innovative teaching project conducted with students of two different degrees: Hispanic studies and modern languages and translation, at the University of Alcalá. This interdisciplinary experience sought to connect students taking their initial steps into poetry writing with translators approaching poetic translation for the first time. With this in mind, the creation of a bilingual collection of poems was proposed. Firstly, students in Hispanic studies would create some poems that could be translated, or rather recreated by the translation students. The main objectives of this interdisciplinary project were to promote creative writing, encourage group work, and increase students’ motivation – as well as to reinforce both the use of English as a foreign language and the practice of literary translation by crafting and subsequently translating original texts created by the students themselves. Moreover, the project is also beneficial for the enrichment and refinement of the education process in general and of poetry translation teaching practices in particular.

Author Biographies

  • Bruno Echauri Galván, Universidad de Alcalá

    Bruno Echauri Galván, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Philology, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain.

  • Silvia García Hernández, Universidad de Alcalá

    Silvia García Hernández, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Philology, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain.


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Reflections on Practice

How to Cite

Echauri Galván, B., & García Hernández, S. (2021). Poets and translators share the classroom: Achieving educational goals through poetry writing and translation. Writing and Pedagogy, 12(1), 185–204. https://doi.org/10.1558/wap.37038