Composition going global

The ‘Why?’ and the ‘How?’ of Making/Negotiating Meaning in Writing with diverse audiences across languages and geographical boundaries


  • Maria Houston Notre Dame College Author





In response to current trends in Composition as well as the challenges of langauging and pedagogy in the global reality, this qualitative classroom-based action research study was designed to gain a better understanding of strategies, practices, and competences exhibited by students of various linguistic and cultural backgrounds when composing, reading, and responding to the narratives of their peers in a multi- lingual composition class. In a focused presentation of a single student case study, the manuscript conceptualizes ‘effective’ writing in global contexts, outlines successful strategies to gain the ‘buy-in’ from culturally and linguistically diverse audiences when composing transnationally and translingually. The study concludes by suggesting ways and strategies to transform ‘traditional’ peer response assignments to engage global rhetorics and transnational frameworks for the sake of all students and their success communicating across languages, rhetorics, borders, and modes.

Author Biography

  • Maria Houston, Notre Dame College

    Maria Houston has served in a number of managerial and teaching roles in Adult Education in and outside of the United States. She received her MA in Instructional Design and a PhD in Composition and TESOL from Indiana University of PA. Her current research agenda and professional mission extend to the design and implementation of transnational collaborative programs and curricula as well as composition pedagogies viable in current professional multi-cultural, -lingual, and -modal communicative reality. In her current role of an English Instructor at Notre Dame College in Cleveland, she is responsible for teaching a variety of Composition and English Linguistics courses across a number of degree-bearing and certificate programs.


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Research Matters

How to Cite

Houston, M. (2019). Composition going global: The ‘Why?’ and the ‘How?’ of Making/Negotiating Meaning in Writing with diverse audiences across languages and geographical boundaries. Writing and Pedagogy, 11(1), 81-100.