Communities of Practice in Language Research: A Critical Introduction Brian W. King (2019)


  • Jo-yen Wong National University of Singapore Author



Community of Practice, Language and Gender, Language in the Workplace, Communication and New Media, Language Learning


Communities of Practice in Language Research: A Critical Introduction Brian W. King (2019) New York and Oxon: Routledge. Pp. 165 ISBN: 9781138942462 (hbk) ISBN: 9781138942479 (pbk) ISBN: 9780429283499 (eBook)

Author Biography

  • Jo-yen Wong, National University of Singapore

    Jo-yen Wong (Ms., she/her) is a Masters by Research student with the National University of Singapore, Department of English Language and Literature. Her research interests are sociolinguistics, language and identity, and language on the Internet. She is currently working on a thesis regarding identity construction in a fully computer-mediated workplace. She also works on representations of language, gender and sexuality on social media, among other things. Her email is


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How to Cite

Wong, J.- yen. (2022). Communities of Practice in Language Research: A Critical Introduction Brian W. King (2019). Sociolinguistic Studies, 16(2-3), 355–359.