Jean Le Fèvre, Disners, and the War of the Union d’Aix (1382–1388) during the Great Western Schism


  • Joëlle Rollo-Koster University of Rhode Island Author



Great Western Schism, War of Aix, lunches, Jean Le Fèvre, negotiations


The role of commensality, particularly banquets, in peace negotiations is well-known. Banquets were a part of various occasions and rites of passage, including births, knighting ceremonies, marriages, and elections/nominations. They were also an integral component of political rituals, such as when a prince embarked on travels. Notably, banquets symbolized reconciliation, marking the transition from war to peace and agreements between lords since sharing a meal together represented the act of reconciliation. In the following essay, which is based on a reading of Jean Le Fèvre’s journal, I argue that it was not just the banquet itself but the dining table that played a significant role in negotiations. Once established that disners referred to lunches, I explore how they served as chronological markers for afternoon meetings, indicating different stages of negotiations. These occasions were often used to announce important 
political decisions and acted as focus points for organizing petitions and negotiations. Groups engaged in discussions frequently gathered around the table to facilitate their conversations, taking advantage of the opportunities to exchange gifts and gather valuable information.


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How to Cite

Rollo-Koster, J. (2024). Jean Le Fèvre, Disners, and the War of the Union d’Aix (1382–1388) during the Great Western Schism. Religious Studies and Theology, 42(2), 171–188.