
A Journey Towards LGBTQ+ Inclusion at The King’s University


  • Melanie J Humphreys The King's University Author



Christian higher education, Canada, Alberta, Diversity, LGBTQ , sexual orientation, Christian faith


Christian higher education in Canada is caught in a culture war. The pressure to conform to either a faith position or secular position on the topic of sexual orientation is putting institutions and perhaps, more importantly, people at risk. The King’s University (King’s) became a focal point for this issue when in 1991 King’s released an employee who was in a same-sex relationship. The resulting landmark case contributed to establishing sexual minority rights in Alberta and in Canada. This paper describes the journey King’s has been on towards LGBTQ+ inclusion. It will relate the process by which King’s came to a statement on inclusion, the impact on King’s culture and reflect on possible implications for the future of Christian higher education.

Author Biography

  • Melanie J Humphreys, The King's University

    Dr. Melanie Humphreys serves as the President of The King’s University in Edmonton, Alberta. Dr. Humphreys serves on several boards and councils including serving on the executive of the Alberta Post Secondary Network, committee chair for Universities Canada’s Education Committee, and trustee for Los Angeles Pacific University. Humphreys holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education from Azusa Pacific University. She earned a degree in English and Psychology and a Master of Administrative Leadership from Trinity Western University.


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Yarhouse, M. A. 2015. Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating transgender issues in a changing culture. Westmount, IL: Intervarsity Press.

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How to Cite

Humphreys, M. J. (2023). Belonging: A Journey Towards LGBTQ+ Inclusion at The King’s University. Religious Studies and Theology, 105–113.