Merton’s True Self and the Psychology of the Dialogical Self


  • Neil Pembroke University of Queensland Author



Thomas Merton


Thomas Merton pursued a life-long quest to grasp the nature of the “true self.” This is the self that lives in and through Christ. Opposed to this is the false self that is expressive of infidelity. It is argued that the interaction between the true and false selves constitutes a dialogical process. The thesis of the essay is that this interaction expresses the dynamics associated with what some psychologists refer to as the “dialogical self.” The dialogical self is a model of the inner life that draws attention to the interpretive process required to deal with the many voices that get internalized in an engagement with the world


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How to Cite

Pembroke, N. (2006). Merton’s True Self and the Psychology of the Dialogical Self. Religious Studies and Theology, 25(2), 191-210.