
Books for Review

Please do not send review copies to the Equinox office. Not all of our journals publish reviews; those that do provide information their home pages about where to send review copies


Advertising and Exchange Advertising

Equinox now publishes more than 45 peer-reviewed, international journals many of which are published on behalf of academic or professional societies.Please contact Val Hall to make a booking and to check deadlines for the journal concerned or to inquire about exchange advertising. Information on the frequency of each journal is available on their website pages.

We do not take inserts for any of our journals and we do not rent mailing lists.

Specifications and Charges

All ads are printed in greyscale in most journals. Ads in archaeology journals (listed below)  may be printed in colour for an additional fee. All ads must be supplied as high-resolution PDFs with embedded fonts

Archaeology of Food and Foodways, Archaeological and Environmental Forensic Science, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology,  Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, Journal of Glacial Archaeology,  Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, Journal of Islamic Archaeology and Communication & Medicine

These journals may have a larger format:

Half page (advert size): Horizontal: 103 x 149mm / Vertical: 206 x 74mm

Full page (advert size): 206 x 149mm

All other Equinox journals:

Half page (advert size): 94 x 110mm

Full page (advert size): 188 x 110mm


£200 half page, £300 full page (add 15% and available in archaeology journals only). A discount of 10% is available for 2 consecutive ads, 20% for 3 consecutive ads. We do not take inserts or rent our mailing lists.

Banner Ads

Appropriate advertising for up to one month on the Equinox website home page of a journal is considered subject to the approval of Equinox and the journal editors. Please contact Valerie Hall for more information.


Please contact us for further details.