About the Journal

Consulting Editor



Languages in Global Contexts (LGC) addresses current issues in theoretical, descriptive and applied linguistics and discourse analysis, set within global contexts. At this time, English is the world’s only global language, representing a resource for all. Yet, the context for all languages is now global, and fast-changing. While the English language in its many varieties around the world no longer reflects any specific geography or identity, linguistics has remained rooted in affluent western perspectives. LGC explores these issues and problems through systemic functional linguistics, and through other sophisticated contemporary theories and methods, publishing a broad range of voices, experiences and realities from around the world.

We place special emphasis on work coming from, engaged with, focused on, or exploring voices from around the world, and setting linguistic issues and problems into contexts beyond the "western world". We seek to highlight connections between linguistics research initially framed in western contexts and the same issues, problems, theories and methods as they appear in non-western contexts (including those of the "Global South"). We endeavour to elucidate insights gained from re-contextualising or reframing current norms and findings, or connecting them to a global diversity of language studies.

Our aims are related to the exploration and engagement with languages in global contexts:

  • to gain understanding from setting a variety of world languages, and also other languages spoken around the world, including, importantly, endangered ones, into their many and complex local, regional, global, and other contexts
  • to extend the insights, and apply elements and processes of systemic functional linguistics to a broad range of languages
  • to illuminate issues in language study by examining a range of languages within various local, regional and global settings
  • to develop our methodological and theoretical understandings within established linguistics research, particularly by contextualising it within local realities and global contexts
  • to highlight comparative linguistic analyses (based on both linguistic systems and on multilingual corpora of texts, both comparable and translated), and research contextualising and reframing current linguistics theories, methods within diverse global contexts
  • to connect the mainstream of contemporary linguistics to a broad, global range of perspectives, experiences and voices
  • to review and revise the commitments of the current linguistics centre ground through research coming from global languages and contexts
  • to explore the character, applications and issues raised by automatic AI-generated text and its role in research and research writing


Publication and Frequency: 2 issues per year
ISSN: 2755-3167 (print)
ISSN: 2755-3175 (online)