Educational language policy for refugee-background students in the spotlight

Cross-links between Polish law and EU law


  • Illia Klinytskyi University of Silesia



bilingual language development, cross-cultural competences, educational language policy, educational policy, law, refugee education, refugee-background students


This article maps the differences between the European Union’s Framework of Human Rights and state-based legal mindsets (ideologies) of language policy and planning in education. Based on the analysis of the documents released by the European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Council in the course of the constituting of multilingual perspective and taking the experience of its local implementation into account, this article examines common cross-state indicators in order to compare multilingual responsibility of public education policies for refugee-background students (RBSs). It concludes that the assessment of multilingual possibilities in education was not complete and impartial on the level of the European Union and for a selected jurisdiction – namely, Poland. Current regional legal regulations fail to equitably address the needs of RBSs, and national-based attention eliminated the question of newcomers’ rights in education. Moreover, as highlighted for current policy-making in the European Union, there is a gap between current legal intention and political views produced by EU institutions – for example, The Commission Action Plan on the Integration of Third-Country Nationals.

Author Biography

  • Illia Klinytskyi, University of Silesia

    Illia Klinytskyi is a doctoral candidate at the University of Silesia, Poland, where he researches the language rights of refugees. His contribution to this article was funded entirely by the National Science Centre, Poland, under grant no. UMO-2022/45/N/HS5/00961.


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Special Issue: Guest Editors Aleksandra Olszewska, Maria Coady & Tuba Yilmaz

How to Cite

Klinytskyi, I. (2024). Educational language policy for refugee-background students in the spotlight: Cross-links between Polish law and EU law. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices.