Motivation, anxiety and classroom interaction in EMI

A qualitative insight into students’ experiences


  • Marta Kopinska University of the Basque Country
  • Alberto Fernández-Costales University of Oviedo



Anxiety, English Medium Instruction (EMI), Higher Education, interaction, motivation


This article reports on empirical research examining the motivation and anxiety of 31 undergraduate students enrolled in English medium instruction (EMI) in two Spanish universities. Due to the scant literature on this topic in EMI, the article is intended to fill a research gap by analysing the interplay between classroom interaction, motivation and anxiety. The study aims to reach a better understanding of the driving forces to engage in English-taught programmes at tertiary level and assessing the extent to which motivation and anxiety affect such engagement. The investigation presents the results of an exploratory study screening students enrolled in the first and second years of several degrees –chemistry, computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering, and history. It took a qualitative approach, using focus groups to collect the data. The findings of the study underline the importance of students’ vision as speakers of English interacting fluently in all spheres of their future lives. The positive learning experience in EMI courses is backed by a general anxiety-free atmosphere, fostering student motivation and their engagement in classroom interaction.

Author Biographies

  • Marta Kopinska, University of the Basque Country

    Marta Kopinska is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and German Philology at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain and a member of the research group LASLAB. Her research interests include sociolinguistics, EFL and second/third language acquisition, individual differences in language acquisition, language attitudes and motivation, and EMI in tertiary education.

  • Alberto Fernández-Costales , University of Oviedo

    Alberto Fernández-Costales is Associate Professor in TESOL at the University of Oviedo, Spain. His research interests include content and language integrated learning (CLIL), English-medium instruction (EMI), language attitudes, language teaching methodology and didactic audiovisual translation. He is Associate Editor of Porta Linguarum, and Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice.


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How to Cite

Kopinska, M., & Fernández-Costales , A. (2023). Motivation, anxiety and classroom interaction in EMI: A qualitative insight into students’ experiences. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 4(1), 53-75.