Cultivating translanguaging online


  • Bridget Goodman Nazarbayev University
  • Sandro R Barros Michigan State University



Translanguaging, Multilingualism, Online Spaces, Language Pedagogy

Author Biographies

  • Bridget Goodman, Nazarbayev University

    Bridget Goodman is Associate Professor of Multilingual Education at Nazarbayev University. Her research, teaching and supervision interests include: translanguaging in English-medium higher education; multilingual academic language development; and teacher education for teaching content in additional languages.

  • Sandro R Barros, Michigan State University

    Sandro R. Barros is an Assistant Professor in the Curriculum, Instruction and Teacher Education program at Michigan State University. He is the author of Paulo Freire and multilingual education (with Luciana C. de Oliveira, Routledge) and The dissidence of Reinaldo Arenas (with Rafael Ocasio and Angela L. Willis, University of Florida Press). His academic research traverses the fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences to study multilingual development, culture and language politics across K-16 schools and other sites of cultural production.


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How to Cite

Goodman, B., & Barros, S. R. (2022). Cultivating translanguaging online. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 3(1), 1–6.