Prevalence, severity and risk factors for speech disorders in US children

the National Survey of Children’s Health


  • Ai Leen Choo Georgia State University
  • Sara Ashley Smith University of South Florida
  • Hongli Li Georgia State University



Speech disorders, prevalence, severity, predictors, bilingual, monolingual, children


Data from the US National Survey of Children’s Health for years 2007, 2011–2012, 2016 and 2017, based on parent report, were analysed to determine the prevalence, severity and specific risk factors (bilingualism, comorbidity, age, sex) for speech disorders. The prevalence of speech disorders was lower for children who are bilingual, without comorbidity, older and females. Parents of children who are bilingual, with comorbidity and in the youngest and oldest age groups were more likely to report moderate or severe symptoms. Unlike prior reports based on smaller samples, findings indicate that bilingual children are not at higher risk for speech disorders.


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How to Cite

Choo, Ai Leen, Sara Ashley Smith, and Hongli Li. 2022. “Prevalence, Severity and Risk Factors for Speech Disorders in US Children: The National Survey of Children’s Health”. Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 4 (1): 109–126.