

  • Elena Babatsouli Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech
  • Martin J. Ball Bangor University





Author Biographies

  • Elena Babatsouli, Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech

    Elena Babatsouli is the Director of the Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech in Chania, Greece, whose purpose is the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge in various aspects of language acquisition, typical and atypical. She received a BA in English from Royal Holloway, University of London, a MA in Languages and Business from London South Bank University and her PhD in Linguistics from the University of Crete. Her research interests are in the acquisition, use and loss of language in all its forms (first, second, bilingual, dialectal), and in clinical implications. She has edited/co-edited five books with Equinox and Multilingual Matters. She chairs the biennial International Symposium of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (ISMBS) and edits its Proceedings. She is also the co-editor of the Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech.  

  • Martin J. Ball, Bangor University

    Dr Martin J. Ball is Honorary Professor in the School of Lianguistics and English Language at Bangor University, Wales. Until recently he was Professor of Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics at Linköping University, Sweden, having formerly held the position of Hawthorne-BoRSF Endowed Professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders, at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He received his bachelor’s degree with honours in Linguistics and English from the University of Wales (Bangor); his Master’s degree in phonetics and linguistics from the University of Essex; his Ph.D. from the University of Wales (Cardiff), and a DLitt degree from Bangor University. Dr Ball has authored and edited over 35 books, 50 contributions to collections and 100 refereed articles in academic journals. He has also presented at conferences around the world. He is co-editor of the journal Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics (Taylor & Francis); and of the book series Studies in Phonetics and Phonology (Equinox), Communication Disorders across Languages (Multilingual Matters), and Language and Speech Disorders (Psychology Press). His main research interests include sociolinguistics, clinical phonetics and phonology, and the linguistics of Welsh.









How to Cite

Babatsouli, Elena, and Martin J. Ball. 2019. “Editorial”. Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 1 (1): 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1558/jmbs.10972.