Discourse-related code-switching in conversations with a bilingual autistic adult
autism, bilingualism, language alternation, code-switching, conversation analysisAbstract
Background: Although studies on language alternation among non-autistic bilinguals have increased in the last decades, we know little about this linguistic behavior among autistic bilinguals. Research on this topic is particularly relevant, given its potential to further our understanding of the ability of autistic bilinguals to deploy language alternation discursively and orient to different aspects of ongoing conversation.
Method: We used multimodal conversation analysis to analyze 237 instances of language alternation embedded in naturalistic conversations between a bilingual autistic adult with severe language impairment and his frequent co-interactants. Specifically, 157 of those language alternative instances served conversational functions (e.g., setting off quotes, contextualizing addressee change, highlighting repair execution, adding emphasis) and were therefore associated with discourse-related code-switching.
Discussion/conclusion: The study’s findings highlight the need for the different stakeholders to critically ponder their assumptions about the ability of autistic individuals to become bilingual; to resist a tendency to default to monolingualism in the presence of an autism diagnosis; and to (re)consider their beliefs about the nature of language alternation.
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