Adapting educational speech-language pathology services during a pandemic

Reflections of parent engagement in intervention during a two-year pilot project


  • Fern Westernoff Toronto District School Board, Ontario



autism spectrum disorder, COVID-19 pandemic, language delay, parent training, social communication, telepractice


Background: Hanen Programs® have a research-based history of helping parents learn to support the oral language, social communication, and literacy development of their young children. Programs are delivered by Hanen-certified speech-language pathologists, usually in preschool speech and language centers. The global COVID-19 pandemic that began in March 2020 required school-based clinicians to adjust their professional practices to meet the needs of students during disruptive school years.

Method: This clinical case study describes the two-year project launched to incorporate Hanen Programs® through telepractice, and discusses the feasibility of offering them as part of a continuum of services at the Toronto District School Board in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

Results: Favorable responses from stakeholders led to the expansion of the project. Attrition rate and staff allocation were found to be problematic.

Discussion/conclusion: Reasons for the high attrition rate were explored, and a response plan was developed. Additional training for interested staff members was scheduled. Ongoing monitoring is needed to determine the long-term feasibility of offering Hanen Programs® in a school board setting.

Author Biography

  • Fern Westernoff, Toronto District School Board, Ontario

    Fern Westernoff, EdD, MHSc, Reg. CASLPO, is an educational speech-language pathologist who worked for the highly multiculturally, multilingually diverse Toronto District School Board, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. During this time, she served on the immigrant assessment team, co-constructed and co-led an early language intervention program, and was instrumental in bringing parent intervention programs to the district. She currently provides consultation, advocacy, leadership, education, and professional development regarding culturally and linguistically informed speech-language pathology services for young children and students. She recently co-authored Powerful practices for supporting English learners: Elevating diverse assets and identities (2021, Corwin Publications) with Stephaney Jones-Vo and Paula Markus.


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How to Cite

Westernoff, F. (2024). Adapting educational speech-language pathology services during a pandemic: Reflections of parent engagement in intervention during a two-year pilot project. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 15(1), 1-14.