First saying and second saying in aphasic conversations


  • Ruixia Yan North Carolina Central University



conversation analysis, first saying, second saying, aphasic conversation


Objective: This present study investigates first and second saying in aphasic conversations to demonstrate the ability of qualitative methodologies (in this case conversation analysis) to study the ways in which persons with aphasia achieve conversation success through verbal repetition in the form of first and second sayings.

Method: For this explorative case study, the author drew on data from AphasiaBank, a multimedia database of discourse samples gathered from individuals with aphasia and from healthy controls. Using the framework of conversation analysis, the author discusses its position, composition, and action.

Results: We demonstrated the role of the practice of recycling elements of one’s own prior utterances in building socially meaningful action, presenting an image of the speaker with aphasia as someone who is competently and confidently managing throughout her impairment.

Discussion: The author discusses the potential of conversation analytical techniques as tools to study the complex phenomenon of conversation as the primary vehicle for human social action.

Conclusion: Through the study of ‘first saying and second saying’ in aphasic conversation, this study contributes to our understanding of how persons with aphasia strategically employ their limited linguistic resources to negotiate meaning and social action.

Author Biography

  • Ruixia Yan, North Carolina Central University

    Dr. Ruixia Yan is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at North Carolina Central University. She is a nationally certified and NC-state-licensed speech-language pathologist. Her areas of research, scholarship, and teaching include child language disorders, multilingualism in communication disorders, articulatory and phonological disorders, normal speech and language development, autism spectrum disorder, literacy, and augmentative and alternative communication.


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How to Cite

Yan, R. (2022). First saying and second saying in aphasic conversations. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 13(2), 212–219.