Speech and language interventions for stroke-induced aphasia


  • Inger Lundeborg Hammarström Linköping University
  • Christina Samuelsson Karolinska Institute




persons with aphasia (PWAs), interaction, SLP students


The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the use of video recordings of interactions involving persons with aphasia and speech-language pathology students enhance students’ competence as conversation partners of people with communicative disabilities. A further aim was to explore the experiences and perspectives from the viewpoint of both participating students and persons with aphasia.

Six persons with aphasia met 34 speech and language pathology students in pairs for 10 minutes of conversation. The video recordings were transcribed, in order to identify phenomena influencing the interaction. The students answered a questionnaire about the assignment. A semi-structured group interview with the aphasic individuals was conducted.

The analyses of the conversations and the answers to the questionnaire revealed that the students gained important knowledge both on how aphasia may affect and limit aphasic individuals’ communicative activity and participation, and hands-on insights into how different interactional strategies may enhance aphasic individuals’ possibilities in interaction, but also highlighting behaviors that may be less beneficial. The persons with aphasia perceived the activity as important and rewarding.

The results demonstrate the benefits of involving patients in health education and the students’ use of video recordings, transcriptions, and subsequent analysis.

Author Biographies

  • Inger Lundeborg Hammarström, Linköping University

    Inger Lundeborg Hammarström is associate professor at the Division of Speech Language Pathology, Audiology and Otho-Rhino-Laryngology, Linköping University. She has worked on speech and language disorders in children and adults both clinically and in education.

  • Christina Samuelsson, Karolinska Institute

    Christina Samuelsson is professor at the Division of Speech Language Pathology, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, CLINTEC, Karolinska Institute. She has worked on language disorders in children and adults, especially from an interactional perspective. She has also a particular interest in the use of video recording and interactional analysis in educational and clinical settings.


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Appendix 1: Transcription conventions







How to Cite

Lundeborg Hammarström, I., & Samuelsson, C. (2021). Speech and language interventions for stroke-induced aphasia. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 10(1), 47-66. https://doi.org/10.1558/jircd.19317