Performing an action one cannot do

Participation, scaffolding and embodied interaction


  • Antonia Krummheuer Aalborg University



acquired brain injury, conversation analysis, embodied interaction, participation, scaffolding


This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion on interactional management of communicative impairment by focusing on practices, in which people with an impairment are supported by those without to collaborate in an activity. Thus, a conversation and embodied interaction analysis is conducted of a routine in which a physiotherapist assists a client living with acquired brain injury to perform an activity the client cannot perform for herself: turning from lying face-down to facing the ceiling. The analysis highlights the situated multimodal and embodied practices of scaffolding whereby both parties coconstruct the client as both a competent, collaborative participant and an active agent. This paper aims to enrich the discussion on how people with communicative impairment can become active participants in a given situation by emphasising the necessity of: (1) a dynamic and complex understanding of the participation framework, and (2) including the embodied aspects of interaction in the analysis.

Author Biography

  • Antonia Krummheuer, Aalborg University

    Antonia Krummheuer is Sociologist and Assistant Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. She is interested in the detailed multimodal analysis of interaction with a special interest in the interplay of language, bodies and technologies/artefacts. Her research focus is directed to practices of innovation processes in the area of welfare technologies, interactions with and through (interactive) technologies and artefacts, as well as ordinary, institutional and ‘atypical’ interaction. In 2014 she was coordinator of the Nordic Network of Interaction Studies on Communication Impairment (NISCI) that was funded by the Nordic Research Council for Humanities and the Social Science (NOS HS) (


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How to Cite

Krummheuer, A. (2016). Performing an action one cannot do: Participation, scaffolding and embodied interaction. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 6(2), 187-210.