Sticking to the rules

Post-its and members’ competence in a Lean meeting activity


  • Jeanette Landgrebe Aarhus University
  • Rainar Rye Marstrand University of Southern Denmark



interaction, objects, post-its, Lean, context, professional practice, practice-mapping model


In this paper, we take an ethnomethodological perspective to analysing members’ competence in a professional practice. We propose an approach which systematises different levels of analysis to identify the underlying management rules, principles and procedures that are significant for the way members in a Lean department meeting organise their in situ activity. Authentic video footage, on-site observations and ethnographic material form the basis of our research focus. Our analysis suggests that the mere presence of an inscribed post-it within an activity does not automatically render it into an object which facilitates discussions, organises activities or records outcomes, but that it is embedded within the members’ taken-for-granted knowledge and routine ways of doing. As such, it is the larger organisational context and the activity at hand which determine the role of the post-it in the moment-to-moment interaction. In conclusion, we suggest going beyond the conventional understanding of context and participation framework in analysing work practices, as an approach to broadening our understanding of what constitutes context from members’ own perspectives in a professional workplace practice.

Author Biographies

  • Jeanette Landgrebe, Aarhus University

    Jeanette Landgrebe is currently employed at the School of Communication and Culture, Department of English, Aarhus University. She was previously postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS) and member of CIRCD (Center for Interaction Research and Communication Design) at the University of Copenhagen. Her research includes work on professional interaction in online meeting practices, innovation and design (R&D) settings, entrepreneurship, socialisation in organisations and written interaction. Her predominant research strand is framed within an EMCA perspective.

  • Rainar Rye Marstrand, University of Southern Denmark

    Rainar Rye Marstrand is a PhD fellow at the Department of Design and Communication at the University of Southern Denmark. From an ethnomethodological perspective he explores the role of objects in social interaction, with an interest in how members organise and create order in local, trivial and mundane practices.


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How to Cite

Landgrebe, J., & Marstrand, R. R. (2020). Sticking to the rules: Post-its and members’ competence in a Lean meeting activity. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 14(2), 172–199.