Inscribed objects in professional practices

An introduction


  • Dennis Day University of Southern Denmark
  • Kristian Mortensen University of Southern Denmark




Author Biographies

  • Dennis Day, University of Southern Denmark

    Dennis Day is an Associate Professor at the Department of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark. Under the auspices of the SOIL project ( he has for the last three years worked on the role of objects in social interaction within a wide range of socio-material environments, from forklifts in warehouses to residences for refugees. Other research interests include demonstrations and claims of competence, human–robotic interaction and membership categorization and identity.

  • Kristian Mortensen, University of Southern Denmark

    Kristian Mortensen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark. His research deals with practices for sense-making in social interaction, with a focus on how social interaction is constructed through various resources such as talk, gaze, gesture, body posture and material objects. His research focuses mainly on language classroom interaction and user-based design. His work has appeared in journals such as Research on Language and Social Interaction, Discourse Processes and Journal of Pragmatics. He is co-editor of the journal Social Interaction: Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality.


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How to Cite

Day, D., & Mortensen, K. (2020). Inscribed objects in professional practices: An introduction. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 14(2), 119-126.