No fear of George Kingsley Zipf

language classroom, statistics and Universal Grammar


  • Stefano Rastelli Università di Pavia
  • kook-Hee Gil University of Sheffield



Three Factors for language design; the Minimalist Program (MP); statistical and grammatical learning; enhanced frequency; language classroom, three factors for language design, the Minimalist Projects (MP), statistical and grammatical learning, enhanced frequency, language classroom


This paper offers a new insight into GenSLA classroom research in light of recent developments in the Minimalist Program (MP). Recent research in GenSLA has shown how generative linguistics and acquisition studies can inform the language classroom, mostly focusing on what linguistic aspects of target properties should be integrated as a part of the classroom input. Based on insights from Chomsky’s ‘three factors for language design’ – which bring together the Faculty of Language, input and general principles of economy and efficient computation (the third factor effect) for language development – we put forward a theoretical rationale for how classroom research can offer a unique environment to test the learnability in L2 through the statistical enhancement of the input to which learners are exposed.

Author Biographies

  • Stefano Rastelli, Università di Pavia

    Stefano Rastelli is professor of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the Università di Pavia (Italy)

  • kook-Hee Gil, University of Sheffield

    Kook-Hee Gil is a senior lecturer in Applied Linguistics at the University of Sheffield. After her postgraduate degrees at the University of Edinburgh, she worked at the University of York before coming to Sheffield. Her main research interests range from formal syntax and semantics to second language acquisition, and also connecting these areas with implication for language teaching and learning. Her recent research centred around L2 knowledge of polarity items and wh-indeterminates and how formal linguistic features are acquired in L1 and L2 knowledge.


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How to Cite

Rastelli, S., & Gil, kook-H. (2018). No fear of George Kingsley Zipf: language classroom, statistics and Universal Grammar. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 2(2), 242-263.