Applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the effects of a Course Management System (CMS)-Assisted EFL writing instruction


  • Yea-Ru Tsai Applied English Department, I-Shou University



Course Management System, Blackboard, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Writing Instruction, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)


This study illustrates a teaching model that utilizes a Blackboard (Bb) course management system (CMS) to support English writing instruction. It was implemented in a blended English research paper (RP) writing course, with specific learning resources and activities offered inside and outside the Bb CMS. A quasi-experimental study in which the results of two academic years were analyzed is presented. The results showed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in their final drafts. The research methodology includes the technology acceptance model (TAM) to evaluate the course. The results of the survey showed that most students displayed positive learning outcomes, indicating that the instruction model could contribute to the effectiveness of learning English writing. Major factors influencing the improvement of writing performance included technical support, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude; however, the influence of writing activities on the Bb was limited in comparison to the other variables.

Author Biography

  • Yea-Ru Tsai, Applied English Department, I-Shou University
    Yea-Ru Tsai is an Associate Professor in the Applied English Department at I-Shou University, Taiwan. She has taught reading, writing, and applied linguistics in Taiwan. Her major research interests include computer assisted reading and writing instruction, psycholinguistics, and English for specific purposes.


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How to Cite

Tsai, Y.-R. (2014). Applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the effects of a Course Management System (CMS)-Assisted EFL writing instruction. CALICO Journal, 32(1), 153-171.