An analysis of social network websites for language learning: Implications for teaching and learning English as a Second Language


  • Min Liu University of Texas at Austin
  • Kana Abe University of Texas at Austin
  • Mengwen Cao University of Texas at Austin
  • Sa Liu University of Texas at Austin
  • Duygu U. Ok University of Texas at Austin
  • Jeong-bin Park University of Texas at Austin
  • Claire Meadows Parrish University of Texas at Austin
  • Veronica G. Sardegna University of Pittsburgh



social networking, language learning, usability testing, Web 2.0 technology, second language acquisition, site analysis, ESL


Although educators are excited about the potential of social network sites for language learning (SNSLL), there is a lack of understanding of how SNSLL can be used to facilitate teaching and learning for English as Second language (ESL) instructors and students. The purpose of this study was to examine the affordances of four selected SNSLL (LingQ, Lang-8, italki, and Polyglotclub) through site design and user experience from two perspectives: Using the sites as a language teacher through site analyses and using the sites as a language learner through usability testing. The findings showed that these sites have the potential to facilitate language learning. The learning tasks created using the social networking features of these sites are to provide examples of how to use these SNSLL as teaching tools under a socio-constructivist learning framework. In addition, the results of the usability testing highlighted the importance of considering the website’s information, interface, and interaction designs. SNSLL should be as easy to use and as intuitive to navigate as possible. We hope the findings will provide valuable insights regarding how SNSLL can be used as teaching and learning tools, and how they should be designed to facilitate pedagogical goals.

Author Biographies

  • Min Liu, University of Texas at Austin
    Learning Technologies Program Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction University of Texas at Austin Dr. Min Liu is Professor in the Learning Technologies Program in the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin. Her teaching and research interests center on educational uses of new media and other emerging technologies, particularly the impact of such technologies on teaching and learning; and the design of new media enriched interactive learning environments for learners at all age levels. Her current R&D projects include studying the design and effectiveness of immersive, rich media environments on learning and motivation, examining the affordances and constraints of using mobile devices in education, and use of Web 2.0 tools in teaching and learning, including researching the use of social network sites for ESL instruction.
  • Kana Abe, University of Texas at Austin
    Foreign Language Education Program Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction University of Texas at Austin Kana Abe is a Ph.D. student in the Foreign Language Education Program in the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests are effectiveness of multimedia on second language acquisition, web-based e-learning, impact of technology on learning motivation, and technology affordances. Currently, she is working on developing learning materials of Japanese mimetic words.
  • Mengwen Cao, University of Texas at Austin
    Learning Technologies Program Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction University of Texas at Austin Mengwen Cao is a graduate student in the Learning Technologies Program in the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interest is the interrelationship between emergent technologies and education. She is currently participating in such projects as the design of an immersive 3D learning environment, research on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and language learning with Web 2.0 tools.
  • Sa Liu, University of Texas at Austin
    Learning Technologies Program Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction University of Texas at Austin Sa Liu is a doctoral student in the Learning Technologies Program in the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin. She has a master's degree in Educational Technology and a B.S. in Computer Science. Her research interests include game-based learning, technology promoted teacher development, and computer supported language learning.
  • Duygu U. Ok, University of Texas at Austin
    Foreign Language Education Program Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction University of Texas at Austin Duygu U. Ok has earned her Ph.D. in the Foreign Language Education in 2013, and currently works an extension instructor at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests are motivation, language learning, identity and online language learning. In particular, she is interested in investigating the impact of future goals on motivation to learn, learner identities created in the language classrooms, the identities represented in online classrooms, and the influence of technology in learning or teaching of a language. Her current projects include developing online materials for teaching Turkish, and investigating the role of social networking websites on learning/improving a language.
  • Jeong-bin Park, University of Texas at Austin
    Foreign Language Education Program Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction University of Texas at Austin Jeong-bin Park is a Ph.D. candidate at the Foreign Language Education program in the department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interest focuses on computer-mediated discussion (CMD), second language writing, social network sites and Web 2.0 for language learning, and various aspects of on and offline discourse analysis for language learning. Her publications include both practical language learning textbooks and research-based empirical studies. She holds an M.A. in Foreign Language Education and a B.A. in English Language and Literature. She has taught Korean as foreign language for more than 6 years and English as second/foreign language for more than 12 years. She is currently an ESOL adjunct faculty at Austin Community College.
  • Claire Meadows Parrish, University of Texas at Austin
    Foreign Language Education Program Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction University of Texas at Austin Claire Meadows Parrish is a Ph.D. student in the Foreign Language Education program and an Assistant Instructor of Spanish at UT-Austin. She earned her MA in Spanish from Texas State University in 2009, BA in Hispanic Studies at UT-Austin in 2007, and BBA in International Business in 2002. Ms. Parrish's research interests include SLA, blended learning environments, online language learning via social network sites, and the pedagogical value of networked interactions for language learning.
  • Veronica G. Sardegna, University of Pittsburgh
    Foreign Language Education Program Dept. of Instruction and Learning University of Pittsburgh Dr. Veronica G. Sardegna is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on learner autonomy, learning strategies, and second/foreign language learning and teaching. She is particularly interested in evaluating the effectiveness of using language learning strategies as well as instructional technology tools for autonomous language learning and teaching in the areas of English pronunciation, business writing, and oral communication. She also conducts related research evaluating the effectiveness of teaching interventions for developing language skills and intercultural sensitivity. She teaches courses in English pronunciation teaching, methodology, technology for language learning and teaching, teaching culture, and second language acquisition


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How to Cite

Liu, M., Abe, K., Cao, M., Liu, S., Ok, D. U., Park, J.- bin, Parrish, C. M., & Sardegna, V. G. (2014). An analysis of social network websites for language learning: Implications for teaching and learning English as a Second Language. CALICO Journal, 32(1), 114-152.