Enhancing L2 Reading Comprehension with Hypermedia Texts: Student Perceptions


  • Paula Garrett-Rucks Georgia State University
  • Les Howles University of Wisconsin – Madison
  • William M. Lake Georgia State University




digital literacy, hypermedia texts, reading comprehension


This study extends current research about L2 hypermedia texts by investigating the combined use of audiovisual features including: (a) Contextualized images, (b) roll-over translations, (c) cultural information, (d) audio explanations and (e) comprehension check exercises. Specifically, student perceptions of hypermedia readings compared to traditional print texts are investigated in this study to address theoretical concerns that the combined use of multiple audiovisual annotations might split learners’ attention from their reading comprehension. Additionally, student perceptions of the usefulness of the annotation features afforded by the hypermedia texts were investigated. Data were collected from 70 French language learners across four intermediate and advanced French courses at a large Midwestern research university. Participants in each course were assigned hypermedia readings, each of which being paired with an analogous traditional print reading of the same genre, with a similar word count and reading difficulty level, followed by a format preference survey. Results from data analysis of the format preference surveys showed statistically significant differences for user preference of the hypermedia texts and a user belief that the hypermedia format facilitated reading comprehension with less effort than print readings. Research findings about the reported usefulness of the annotation features are situated within Mayer’s (2005) cognitive theory of multimedia learning. Directions for future research into the optimal design of hypermedia texts are discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Paula Garrett-Rucks, Georgia State University
    Paula Garrett-Rucks (Ph.D., UW-Madison) is an Assistant Professor of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and Foreign Language (FL) Education at Georgia State University. She teaches courses in French, SLA and FL Education. Her research is focused on enhancing L2 instruction with digital media and fostering L2 learners' intercultural competence. URL: https://gsu.academia.edu/Paula GarrettRucks
  • Les Howles, University of Wisconsin – Madison
    Les Howles is the Director of Distance Education Professional Development in the Division of Continuing Studies at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He and his staff work with educators on the design and integration of technology solutions in the development of online and blended courses. He is also co-designer of the CSCR Builder authoring tool.
  • William M. Lake, Georgia State University
    William Michael Lake is a visiting instructor of Spanish at Georgia State University. Along with the use of digital media in L2 instruction, he has also researched the use of stereotypes in early grammars of the indigenous languages of the Americas.


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How to Cite

Garrett-Rucks, P., Howles, L., & Lake, W. M. (2014). Enhancing L2 Reading Comprehension with Hypermedia Texts: Student Perceptions. CALICO Journal, 32(1), 26-51. https://doi.org/10.1558/calico.v32i1.26131