Crossing Reality to Enhance Language Learning


  • Randall Sadler University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Tricia Thrasher Immerse, Inc.




Enhance Language Learning, Reality, Language, Learning

Author Biographies

  • Randall Sadler, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

    Randall Sadler (PhD) is Associate Professor of Linguistics and Director of TESL and ESL at the University of Illinois. He teaches courses on telecollaboration, VR and language learning, and teaching L2 reading and writing. He has published in journals including CALICO Journal, ReCALL, LLT, Computers & Education, ELT, and in numerous edited volumes. His books include Virtual Worlds, Telecollaboration, and Language Learning (2012, Peter Lang), The Handbook of Informal Language Learning (2020, Wiley Blackwell), and New Ways in Teaching with Games (2020, TESOL). He is the current President of CALICO, the Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium.

  • Tricia Thrasher, Immerse, Inc.

    Tricia Thrasher (PhD) obtained her PhD from the department of French and Italian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in May 2022. She is currently the Research Manager at Immerse, the first VR language learning platform that allows for real-time language teaching and learning. Her research interests include immersive technologies for language learning, foreign language anxiety and oral production, and subjective and objective anxiety measurements. She has published in journals such as the CALICO Journal and the Foreign Language Annals, and is currently the Chair of the CALICO Immersive Realities Special Interest Group.


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How to Cite

Sadler, R., & Thrasher, T. (2023). XR: Crossing Reality to Enhance Language Learning. CALICO Journal, 40(1), i–xi. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.25517