Effect of Texting on Spanish Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition and Motivation


  • Lori Lye University of Florida




mobile language learning, second language acquisition, texting, vocabulary


While mobile devices have become increasingly integral to students’ lives, there is an apparent disconnect between this trend and our second language (L2) pedagogy. The present study investigates potential benefits of a nontraditional assignment, texting, on vocabulary acquisition and motivation in adult learners of Spanish. Quantitative results support the idea that nontraditional writing tasks can provide a beneficial supplement to traditional classroom instruction, offering a place for peer-to-peer interaction, which has been shown to increase learners’ vocabulary and potentially motivation. Future research regarding the use of texting in language learning, and the extent to which it could replace traditional writing assignments, is undoubtedly warranted.

Author Biography

  • Lori Lye, University of Florida

    Lori Lye started at the University of Florida in 2009 to pursue triple majors in Mathematics, Chinese and Spanish, graduating with her Bachelor’s in 2013. She then continued at the university to complete her Master’s in ESOL and Bilingual Education in 2015, during which she became interested in the field of linguistics. She rejoined the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, graduating in 2021 with her PhD in Hispanic Linguistics with a concentration on Second Language Acquisition, and specifically, mobile applications for language learning.


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How to Cite

Lye, L. (2022). Effect of Texting on Spanish Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition and Motivation. CALICO Journal, 39(3), 326–349. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.23992