Teaching CLIL Courses Entirely in Virtual Reality
Educator Experiences
Professional Development, virtual reality (VR), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), educator experiencesAbstract
Virtual reality (VR) has been found to be effective for increasing student motivation and engagement (Parong & Mayer, 2018), experiential learning (Hu-Au & Lee, 2018), and even improving spatial memory (Pollard et al., 2020). However, few studies have moved beyond the novelty of single-lesson VR experiences, nor have they used VR as the primary method of lesson delivery in language learning curricula (Kavanagh et al., 2017). Longitudinal data will help to elucidate a VR-specific pedagogy, providing evidence to support best practices, but they will not necessarily ensure that VR is actually adopted in classroom contexts. For that to take place, teacher buy-in is necessary, but there is also a lack of literature investigating the teacher side of planning and delivering VR lessons. The authors designed a longitudinal case study at a language focused university, in order to investigate the experiences of university lecturers who conducted eight-week Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) courses in VR using Immerse (www.immerse.online), a multi-user VR language learning platform. The study analyzes teachers’ perspectives on planning and implementing a VR curriculum. Post-lesson surveys and semi-structured interviews were conducted with the instructors. The analysis findings for both the instructors’ experiences will be discussed, along with their implications for integrating VR into extended course curricula.
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