The Use of ASR-Equipped Software in the Teaching of Suprasegmental Features of Pronunciation

A Critical Review


  • Tim Kochem Iowa State University
  • Jeanne Beck Iowa State University
  • Erik Goodale Iowa State University



Language Teaching, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) tools, Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training, suprasegmentals; pronunciation instruction; automatic speech recognition


Technology has paved the way for new modalities in language learning, teaching, and assessment. However, there is still a great deal of work to be done to develop such tools for oral communication, specifically tools that address suprasegmental features in pronunciation instruction. Therefore, this critical literature review examines how researchers have tried to create computer-assisted pronunciation training tools using automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems to aid language learners in the perception and production of suprasegmental features. We used 30 texts from 1990 to 2020 to explore how technologies have been and are currently being used to help learners develop their proficiency with suprasegmental features. Based on our thematic analysis, a persistent gap still exists between ASR-equipped software available to participants in research studies and what is available to university and classroom teachers and students. Additionally, there seems to be more development in the production of speech software for language assessment. In contrast, the translation of these tools into instructional tools for individualized learning seems to be almost non-existent. Moving forward, we recommend that more commercialized pronunciation systems utilizing ASR should be made publicly available using the technologies that are currently developed or are in development for the purposes of oral proficiency judgments.

Author Biographies

  • Tim Kochem, Iowa State University

    Tim Kochem is a PhD candidate in the applied linguistics and technology program at Iowa State University. His primary research areas include L2 pronunciation, teacher cognitions, classroom-based research, and technology-enhanced language learning. He has worked as a Graduate Peer Mentor and Supervisor at the Center for Communication Excellence in the Graduate College for over four years. He has also taught multiple global online courses for the Online Professional English Network (OPEN), including “Using educational technology in the English language classroom,” as well as introductory courses in public speaking and linguistics at Iowa State University.

  • Jeanne Beck, Iowa State University

    Jeanne Beck is a PhD student in the applied linguistics and technology program at Iowa State University. Her research interests include L2 assessment, project-based learning, CALL, and English learner policy. She has experience teaching English learners and technology at the K–12 level in the USA and Japan, as well as experience teaching college-level English learners and public speaking courses in the USA and South Korea. She mentors English teachers worldwide through the OPEN course “Using educational technology in the English language classroom,” and assists Iowa State Department of English instructors with technology and LMS needs.

  • Erik Goodale, Iowa State University

    Erik Goodale is a PhD student in the applied linguistics and technology program at Iowa State University. His research interests include L2 pronunciation instruction, oral communication, and online learning environments. He works as an English-speaking consultant and interpersonal communication consultant for the Center for Communication Excellence.


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How to Cite

Kochem, T., Beck, J., & Goodale, E. (2022). The Use of ASR-Equipped Software in the Teaching of Suprasegmental Features of Pronunciation: A Critical Review. CALICO Journal, 39(3), 306–325.