Virtual Vocabulary

Research and Learning in Lexical Processing


  • Ulf Schuetze
  • Gerlinde Weimer-Stuckmann



Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Cognitive Psychology, Working Memory, Spaced Retrieval, Spaced Rehearsal, Vocabulary Learning, Intentional Learning, Repetition


This article presents the concept development, research programming, and learning design of a lexical processing web application, Virtual Vocabulary, which was developed using theories in both cognitive psychology and second language acquisition (SLA). It is being tested with first-year students of German at the University of Victoria in Canada, specifically looking at intervals and time-sets in a large study on spaced retrieval. The findings are being used to refine language-learning software for second language lexical acquisition.


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How to Cite

Schuetze, U., & Weimer-Stuckmann, G. (2013). Virtual Vocabulary: Research and Learning in Lexical Processing. CALICO Journal, 27(3), 517-528.