Communicating Grammatically

Evaluating a Learner Strategy Website for Spanish Grammar


  • Andrew D. Cohen
  • Angela Pinilla-Herrera
  • Jonathan R. Thompson
  • Lance E. Witzig



Language Learner Strategies, Grammar Strategies, Style Preferences, Mnemonic Strategies


After a brief introduction to language learner strategies and grammar strategies as a subcategory, it is pointed out that research on the use of grammar strategies by learners of a second language (L2) has been limited. The article then describes the construction of a website with strategies for learning and performing Spanish grammar, with a focus on grammar that was found to be problematic for both nonnative learners and teachers alike. The website is divided into strategies for learning a specific grammar form and strategies which are consistent with the learners' style preferences and which could be applied to various grammar forms. The website's focus is on strategizing about the learning and use of Spanish grammar rather than as a compendium of rules for Spanish grammar. The article ends with a report on a small-scale study using largely qualitative means to determine the impact of a Spanish grammar strategies website on 15 learners who agreed to track their experiences with selected strategies over a period of 6-8 weeks. Students' responses on the strategy tracking forms and in the interviews over the course of study indicated that the learners generally benefited to some extent and in some cases greatly from use of the website, suggesting its potential for supporting learners of Spanish in remembering and correctly using various grammatical forms that had previously been problematic for them.


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How to Cite

Cohen, A. D., Pinilla-Herrera, A., Thompson, J. R., & Witzig, L. E. (2013). Communicating Grammatically: Evaluating a Learner Strategy Website for Spanish Grammar. CALICO Journal, 29(1), 145-172.