Fifty Years of Classical Computing

A Progress Report


  • Rob Latousek



Classical Languages, Latin, Greek, Instructional Software, Research Tools


The use of computers for research and instruction in Classics has a long and proud history, now going back more than 50 years. Over this time classicists have often been on the cutting edge of development, starting with mainframe applications, migrating later to microcomputer, and continuing on through multimedia CD-ROMs, Web-based research tools, and the construction of virtual Rome on line. This article describes many of the most significant development efforts in this field and discuss some of the trends that are revealed by this history.


Balme, M., & Morwood, J. (1996). Oxford Latin course (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press

Bolter, J. D. (1984). Turing’s man: Western culture in the computer age. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

Brunner, T. F. (1988). Overcoming ‘Verzettelung’: A humanistic discipline meets the computer. Humanities, 9 (3), 4-7.

Crane, G., & Mylonas, E. (1988). The Perseus project: An interactive curriculum on classical Greek civilization. Educational Technology, 28 (11), 25-32.

Culley, G. R. (1978). Computer-assisted instruction and Latin: Beyond flashcards. Classical World, 72, 393-401.

Culley, G. R. (1984). Teaching the Classics with computers (APA Educational Paper #1). Oxford OH: American Classical League.

Culley, G. R. (1984-85). The Delaware Latin skills project. Classical Outlook, 62, 38-42.

Culley, G. R. (1989). CAI in Classics: An assessment. Classical Bulletin, 65 (1-2), 17-31.

Culley, G. R., Mulford, G., & Milbury-Steen, J. (1986). A foreign-language adventure game: Progress report on an application of AI to language instruction. CALICO Journal, 4, 69-87.

Erickson, G. (1983). Use of the computer to develop and enhance comprehension skills in Latin. Classical Journal, 78 (3), 241-248.

Frischer, B. (Ed.). (1987). Papers of the UCLA Conference on Classics and Computing. Favonius (Suppl. 1).

Hockey, S. (1980). A guide to computer applications in the humanities. London: Duckworth.

Lancashire, I. (Ed.). (1991). The humanities computing yearbook 1989-90. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Latousek, R. (1985). Survey of Latin instructional software for the microcomputer. Oxford, OH: American Classical League.

Latousek, R. (1989-2000, spring and fall). Random access. Classical Outlook. Oxford OH: American Classical League.

Latousek, R. (1999). Software directory for the Classics. Oxford, OH: American Classical League.

Mylonas, E. (1989). Universes to control: Classics, computers, and education. In P. Culham & L. Edmunds (Eds.), Classics: A discipline and profession in crisis? (pp. 133-146). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.

O’Donnell, J. J. (1998). Views and reviews: A response. Classical World, 91 (6), 565-568 [Special Issue: Papers from the Computing in the Classics Conference, Baylor University, 1995].

Packard, D. W. (1969). Publishing scholarly compilations by computer. Computers and the Humanities, 4, 75-80.

Scanlan, R. T. (1971). Computer-assisted instruction: PLATO in Latin. Foreign Language Annals, 5, 84-89.

Solomon, J. (Ed.). (1993). Accessing antiquity: The computerization of classical studies. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

Tebben, J. (Ed.). (1984-2000). Computing and the Classics [newsletter, successor to Waite’s Calculi, below]. Newark, OH: Ohio State University, Department of Classics. On-line since 1995. Available from editor: [email protected].

Waite, S. V. F. (1967-79). Calculi [newsletter]. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College, Department of Classics.

Waite, S. V. F. (1970). Computer-supplemented Latin instruction at Dartmouth College. Computers and the Humanities, 4, 313-14.

Wheelock, F. M., & Lafleur, R. A. (1995). Latin (5th ed.). New York: Harper Collins.







How to Cite

Latousek, R. (2013). Fifty Years of Classical Computing: A Progress Report. CALICO Journal, 18(2), 211-222.